
The content on this website (www.Sikarih.com) is not intended as a medical reference but as a source of information. Before trying any herbal remedy the reader is recommended to speak with their medical provider first, then if recommend by a physician, try a small quantity initially to establish whether there are any adverse or allergic reactions any herbs.

Please remember when you are using herbal products, take with precaution. If you wish to take a herbal remedy with prescribed medicines, you should talk to your general practitioner or your pharmacist first.

Neither the editor nor the experts or authors can be held responsible for any adverse reactions to the recommendations on this website. The use of any herb or derivative is entirely at the reader’s/ consumer’s own risk.

You understand and confirm I, Sierra Hoskins, am not a physician/doctor, or any other medical professional, mental health professional, dietician or nutritionist excluding my RMA certification.

All herbal advice listed on this website (www.sikarih.com) and/or Sikarih LLC platforms should not be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical advice or mental health advice, treatment, or diagnosis.

You must not rely on any information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from a doctor or any other medical or mental health professional.

I, Sierra Hoskins, am not attempting to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or condition. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical, mental health, or religious advice in any way, shape, or form.

Always seek medical advice from your medical or mental practitioner on any concerns you have about your wellness before implementing any information on this website.

In emergency occurrences , please dial 911 and seek immediate professional help from a licensed physician.

Do not delay seeking medical advice or disregard medical advice due to the information you have read on this website. Never discontinue taking any medications and/or supplements without speaking with your physician or mental health physician first. If you have, or suspect to have a medical concern please reach out to your medical physician or mental heath physician. It is imperative that you seek the advice of your physician or any other licensed medical professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding any medical, or mental health related condition.

The information obtained through this website, www.Sikarih.com, my newsletters, blogs, emails, sessions, webinars, is presented on an, “as is” basis, without any warranty, expressed or implied. You understand that we may discuss spiritual or religious issues during a session. This does not imply or intend emphasis for any one religion, religious tradition, or spiritual practice over another. There is no expectation or pressure to modify your spiritual beliefs or engage in any religious or spiritual practices.

You understand that we may discuss sexuality issues during a session. This is not intended for a sexual or an erotic experience. You understand everyone will remain clothed through these sessions. You understand if you are uncomfortable with a particular topic or modalities of healing at any timeframe to inform Sikarih LLC and it’s affiliates immediately. You understand that this is your responsibility to inform us. You also understand any access to any service affiliated with Sikarih LLC is voluntary and at your own risk.


You understand there may be instances where there are unknown risks and circumstances that can come about through this website, sessions, blogs that cannot be foreseen that can influence or reduce results. You understand any suggestion on or through me or my website is to be taken at your own risk with no liability on Sikarih LLC, Sierra Hoskins or it’s affiliates. You understand and recognize that there is a small chance of illness, injury, or even death can occur, and you agree to assume all risks.


You agree to absolve me of any liability that you or anyone else may incur from use of any information, materials, or products that you request or encounter on or through this website. You understand and agree I will not be held liable to you, or any other individual, company, or entity for any type of damages/injuries, indirect or direct, equitable or consequential loss or damages for the use of this website. You understand I do not assume responsibility or liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss of damage, loss of profits, physical disease, mental disease, death, or any other type of loss or damage due to any act or service throughout this website, it’s affiliates, and myself, Sierra Hoskins.


You understand and hereby fully hold harmless, indemnity and release Sikarih LLC, it’s affiliates, and myself, Sierra Hoskins from any cause of action, suits, claims, damages, allegations, or demands indefinitely, in law or equity, that may come to surface from the past, present tense, or the future that is correlated with this website.